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In our post, we will discuss the top 3 benefits of having an FAQ’s section in your blog.

We’re all familiar with FAQ’s (frequently asked questions), for most people, this is the go-to the section of any website. Especially if you are trying to learn more about a product or service and have some basic questions you want answers too right away. Not only is an FAQ section super important to your audience, but Google bots also love them too and websites that have them are typically ranked higher than websites who don’t.

Creating a central location on your website is a definite priority. But today we are discussing also including one within your blog posts. Now we all know that modern humans have very low attention spans. We are naturally skimmers. Creating an FAQ section within your blog post will allow anyone to find the most asked questions about the topic you are writing about right away without having to read your entire post.

If you have a WordPress site, the new Gutenberg editor has a block called FAQ’s. With the FAQ block, you can very easily, add a set of questions (and corresponding answers) to a post or page.

1. Boost Your Search Engine Optimization

The Yoast FAQ block is based on’s ‘Question’ format, so search engines actually understand that your post or page addresses a question, as posed by a user. And in the future, Google will show your post or page as such in its search results.

2. Your FAQ section Will Help You Address Your Reader’s Needs

You want to be able to address questions about the topic you are writing in a concise and clear way. An FAQ section does this simply and without having to force a reader to read an entire post. You should provide high-quality questions about the topic you are writing about. If you need suggestions then simply go to the master of top trending questions, Google! Go to the People also ask section and see what the top trending questions are that people are asking in real-time.

3. Establish Your Business As An Expert with an FAQ section

With a highly competitive landscape standing out from your competition is a must. The FAQ section is a way to present yourself as an expert in your industry by providing excellent answers to the questions of your customers.

As a WordPress content manager, I currently manage 10 blog sites and have seen each site increase rankings for making this simple update to all blog posts. Like anything, it’s not instant, but it does work and you will see your SEO rankings improve.

Further reading: