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What is a WordPress Maintenance Plan? 

What is a WordPress Maintenance Plan? 

What is a WordPress Maintenance Plan?  Comments Written by   If you have a WordPress site you are aware of WordPress many new releases and updates. WordPress constantly is changing and improving month to month and for all users this requires new patches of updates...

Site Broke After WordPress 5.5 Update

You just updated your website to the newest version of WordPress and now your website isn’t the same, pages are missing, the admin area isn’t workin, or formatting is off. In this post, we’ll cover why WordPress 5.5 is breaking websites and how to fix it....

Are Images Making Your Site Slow?

Everyone loves a fast site. Not only is having a fast site a huge plus for user experience but Google rewards fast sites with a higher ranking. For example, one thing that some people don’t realize is that free stock photos are not optimized for a regular website....