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With the most recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) community spreads many are forced to self-quarantine due to the possible exposure to the coronavirus. Others, such as those in the service industry, are either furloughed or forced to go to work.

In this type of climate going to work and having the fear that you could be exposed to COVID-19 is something that you shouldn’t have to deal with. Now it’s time to stop putting off your business idea and make it a reality.

Can you relate to any of these situations:

  • You started an eCommerce website on the side
  • You started a blog
  • You’re freelancing
  • You have an idea but never got it started or finished

Whatever the case is, now is the time to bring your business idea to life and finish what you’ve started.

Create the website that you’ve always talked about

Stop spending time thinking about it, or talking about it, now is the time to start working on it!

Of course, there are so many website builders out there that you can get started with. The idea to save money and start off quickly is something that many startups are drawn to. But in the long run, many business owners actually end up spending more money on upgrades and additional add-ons. Not to mention, it’s a lot harder to keep up with SEO best practices when using these all-in-one solutions.

Although the website builders have a variety of templates to choose from. Very rarely does any template have all the bells and whistles and exactly what you’re looking for. Many website builders require more add-on features or even development experience to get that custom look and functionality that you need. And let’s face it, do you really want your website to look like everyone else’s?

I doubt it! That where we come in. When developing websites, Busybee Marketing uses the king of CMS’s, WordPress. It is by far the most popular option and it’s user-friendly and scalable in the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will it take to create a website?

It varies depending on the content and scope of the project. But on average a website can take 14 weeks at a minimum from start to launch. This includes 3 weeks of discovery, 6 weeks design, 3 weeks initial development, and 2 weeks of modifications.

Is WordPress free?

WordPress as a software that’s free for you to download and use. It’s easy to manage, secure, packed with helpful features, and used by over 30% of the internet.

Busybee makes it easy for you

Busybee aims to create a custom WordPress website and a simple tutorial guide for individuals, business owners, bloggers and anyone else who is daunted by the prospect of building their own website. With our expert guidance, we want to show you how to easily manage your WordPress site while taking advantage of all the SEO advantages when choosing WordPress as your open-source content management system.

If you don’t have a side hustle, just Google it. There are literally hundreds of side hustle ideas. Also, there are so many tips on how to transition to working from home. With some time and creativity, you can find one that works for you and get started today.